
A trial is your opportunity to prove to a jury that you are not guilty of a criminal charge. In Ontario, most cases for a criminal offense end up in trial within 4 to 12 months if you and your criminal defence lawyer elect to go to trial. If you’ve been charged with a crime, it’s important that you go to court with a strong team, starting with the best criminal defence lawyer in Toronto.

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When you run a family business, it often requires all hands on deck, especially between two spouses, and accounts for your income as a unit. When you approach divorce, a family business will typically complicate the division of assets. To ensure accuracy in your asset division, book a legal consultation with a family lawyer at Karrass Law.

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When you enter into a divorce, it’s important that you consider how the division of assets will affect you financially. Many people don’t realize that they are facing a complex division of assets until they finally decide to separate or file for divorce. Working with one of the best family lawyers and civil litigation lawyers will help you protect your assets to ensure that you leave a...

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Manslaughter charges can be tricky to navigate. Because at its core manslaughter is not premeditated, you may not realize you're in the legal situation until you've been charged. According to Canadian Law, manslaughter occurs when death is the result of an unlawful act, where there is no active intention of causing death.

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When you're facing divorce, navigate the situation and take actions that protect your best interests by booking a consultation with a team of civil litigation lawyers who specialize in family law. Our award-winning lawyers and experienced team are dedicated to providing you with the highest level of representation so you can protect what's rightfully yours. Read on!

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In Ontario, the charges that occur when the death of a person is involved can fall into 3 categories – criminal negligence, manslaughter, or murder/manslaughter. The criminal code distinctly identifies these incidents by culpability. Culpable homicide refers to manslaughter and/or murder. Depending on the details surrounding the crime, the charges and the potential penalties will differ.

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How a Prenup Can Affect Your Divorce

Posted on 15 May 2024

When family law gets complicated, trust the experts at Karrass Law. If you're at a point of separation and need help navigating or overcoming the terms of your prenup, trust the experts at Karrass Law. Our family lawyers and civil litigation lawyers specialize in complex asset divisions and can provide you with tailored legal advice and zealous representation.

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Facing criminal charges is an undoubtedly daunting and difficult time. Most people who are being charged for the first time don't know what to do next. Once you've been arrested, detained, or criminal charges have been laid, the subsequent actions you take are critical because the steps you take during this period can influence the outcome of your case.

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Fraud charges or suits can be daunting due to their complicated nature and the potential for dire repercussions. Investment scams, particularly Ponzi schemes, are one of the most common and detrimental fraudulent activities. While you may not have set out to be part of an investment scheme, it's not impossible for investors to find themselves in legal trouble after getting mixed up, intentionally...

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Losing a job is a complex time. Emotions are high, and finances are at risk, so if you suspect you may have been wrongfully terminated, it’s a good idea to seek guidance from an experienced civil lawyer in Toronto. By seeking legal advice from a lawyer experienced in contract law, you can ensure you can take action that supports your best interests.

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