
The equalization payment is designed to balance out any financial discrepancies in a marriage. While this is the case for most property during a divorce in Ontario, there are some types of assets which are not calculated when determining the net worth of each spouse. If you have some property types that are excluded, it’s a good idea to book a legal consultation with a family lawyer who is also...

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Credit card fraud is a serious offence in Ontario, carrying significant penalties that can affect your life for years if you're found guilty. Legal cases, both civil and criminal, involving credit card fraud are complex. If you've been charged or sued for fraud, it's important to work with a reputable and experienced fraud lawyer in Toronto or Ontario who has proven expertise with similar cases

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What to Do if You Are Arrested in Ontario

Posted on 18 October 2024

Being arrested is an overwhelming experience that can leave you confused and anxious about what comes next, especially if it is for a criminal charge. To ensure you navigate the process from being arrested onward, it's essential to have a trusted and experienced criminal lawyer on your side.

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When the higher value party is determined via the Net Family Property calculation, they will often be required to pay the difference in value to the other spouse, evenly dividing the value gained through the course of the marriage. The amount that must be paid is known as the "equalization payment." The rationale behind this is to ensure that both parties share in the financial gains made during...

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If you've been charged with a criminal offence in Ontario and you're being held in custody as you await trial, your criminal defence lawyer in Toronto will often explore the potential for you to be released on bail. It's common for lawyers to try and have their clients released on bail so they can retain their freedom and comfort until the case is settled or a trial is reached. In Toronto and...

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When you or a loved one has been charged with murder or manslaughter, the job of your criminal defence lawyer is to argue successfully for either an acquittal to avoid any conviction or to help you plea for a lesser charge. To go about this, there are a few defences for murder and manslaughter charges that can be employed.

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Whether you are dealing with a contractual issue, property issue or personal injury related issue, you need to be well-versed in your own case in order for your lawyer to provide strong, informed legal advice. Having a strong understanding of the issue at hand, hiring expert counsel, preparing any relevant documentation and developing a clear narrative can go a long way in fostering a robust first...

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When you’re in a common law relationship that is coming to an end, and you’re concerned about the division of assets, contact the family lawyers and civil lawyers in Toronto and Ontario and Karrass Law. Common law division of assets follows different legal requirements than a legal marriage, so if you and your partner are having disputes or disagreements about asset division, contact our team...

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Divorces can be challenging, especially when they involve a high level of conflict and the complex division of assets. In such cases, traditional litigation can be costly, time-consuming, and emotionally draining. However, mediation offers a viable alternative that can help couples reach a fair settlement without the adversarial nature of court proceedings.

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How Debts Are Split in a Divorce

Posted on 28 August 2024

When you are splitting up with a spouse, much of the conversation around the divorce is centred around how financial assets are split. Marital properties, income, investments, businesses and more all need to be divided fairly in alignment with Ontario law. Another factor that should be considered in regard to the complex division of assets is debts.

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